

Lola is an artificially intelligent banking assistant that is designed to listen, understand, and perform customer actions to provide a dynamic, personalized experience for customers on the web.

Our business goals

Increase call center throughput and decrease costs by using an AI (artificial intelligence) agent to perform real time banking requests made by customers.

The problem

Customer service members need to quickly understand and correct a problem occurring between a customer and the AI agent in the middle of a real time financial transaction.

What we built

A platform for customer service team members to monitor and address incorrect actions performed by an AI agent.

User research

Shadowed customer service team members in call centers across the country to understand how Lola would be utilized in context. Gathered information about the different roles, scenarios, tasks and problems that customer service team members would encounter with Lola.

Concept validations

Tested different scenarios with customer service agents to gather feedback on working assumptions. The early feedback helped scope AI behavior around full automation, manual control, trust and task assignment.

Mock ups

Initial designs for a platform that allows customer service members to review the audio transation occuring between the AI agent Lola and the customer. The platform gives the customer service member the ability to correct the AI agent's reasoning or collected data to generate the right automated audio response.